Kinetic properties and inactivation of the gating currents of sodium channels in squid axon

Associated with the opening and closing of the sodium channels of nerve membrane is a small component of capacitative current, the gating current. After termination of a depolarizing step the gating current and sodium current decay with similar time courses. Both currents decay more rapidly at relatively negative membrane voltages than at positive ones. The gating current that flows during a depolarizing step is diminished by a pre-pulse that inactivates the sodium permeability. A pre-pulse has no effect after inactivation has been destroyed by internal perfusion with the proteolytic enzyme pronase. Gating charge (considered as positive charge) moves outward during a positive voltage step, with voltage dependent kinetics. The time constant of the outward gating current is a maximum at about —10 mV, and has a smaller value at voltages either more positive or negative than this value.