1988 Gordon Bell Prize

The Gordon Bell Prize recognizes outstanding achievement in all applications of supercomputers to scientific and engineering problems. A description is given of the winning entry and two honorable mentions. The winning entry, from the raw-performance category, was submitted by Phuong Vu, C. Ashcraft, R. Grimes, J. Lewis and B. Peyton. They presented the solution of a static-structures problem that ran at just over 1 Gflop (billions of floating-point operations) on an eight-processor Cray Y-MP. One honorable mention, in the price/performance category, came from R. Pelz, who used a 1024-processor N-Cube multicomputer to solve a fluid-flow problem using a spectral method with a speedup of about 800. Marina Chen, Young-Il Choo, Jungke Li, and J. Wu received an honorable mention for an entry in which a Crystal Compiler automatically parallelized a financial modeling application.