Decay ofSr77and level structure ofRb77

An oil vapor helium-jet transfer system was used to study the β+ decay of Sr77 produced in the Ca40(Ca40,2pn)Sr77 reaction at 110-130 MeV. Singles and coincidence measurements established the decay to four levels in Rb77 and allowed measurements of T12=0.9±0.2 sec for the decay halflife and QEC=6986±227 keV for the total decay energy. In-beam studies of the Ca40(Ca40, 3pγ)Rb77 reaction were made at 117 MeV. Two distinct bands were observed in Rb77 and probable spin and parity assignments were made. These data favor Jπ=52+ for the Sr77 ground state. The Rb77 bands are compared to neighboring odd-A nuclei and to recent calculations.