Sucrose administered intraven. in large doses produces a severe hydropic degeneration in both the unoperated and hydro-nephrotic kidneys of the rabbit. Since the hydronephrotic kidney cannot elaborate a concentrated urine, a critical plasma level is probably essential for the nephrotoxic effect. Aglomerular toadfish. Opsanus tau, which cannot secrete sucrose were given the sugar intraperitoneally without nephrotoxic effect. Therefore, it would seem that sucrose does not injure the tubule from the vascular side when simultaneously excluded from the lumen. Sucrose provokes hydropic degeneration in the glomerular tubules of the goldfish. When reabsorption of sucrose is blocked in phloriz-inized rabbits and rats this sugar still produces its characteristic hydropic degeneration. Hence, sucrose reabsorption is not necessary for the toxic injury. The Small amt. of sucrose which diffuses into the tubule cells, even in the phlorizinized animals, is probably the mechanism by which this sugar injures the kidney.