Angular distributions between 3 and 110 degrees in the laboratory system were measured for the elastic scattering of C12 from Ca40,42,48 at 51.0, 49.9, and 47.2 MeV, respectively. Pronounced oscillations were observed in the C12 + Ca40 angular distribution. Weaker oscillations were observed in the C12 + Ca42 angular distributions while none were seen in C12 + Ca48. An optical-model analysis was performed using Woods-Saxon and folded potentials. Surface transparent potentials were found to parametrize the oscillatory structure of the forward-angle data of C12 + Ca40. Stronger surface absorption in the C12 + Ca42,48 imaginary potentials apparently weakens or washes out any forward-angle oscillations. Optical potentials that fit forward-angle data of C12 + Ca40 also predict oscillatory structure in the excitation function at 180°.