On the classification and nomenclature of some nonmotile and coccoid diplobacteria, exhibiting the properties of Achromobacteriaceae

SUMMARY Five species and two subspecies of nonmotile and coccoid Achromobacteres are described, including the organisms hitherto known as Bacterium anitratum Schaub and Hauber and Alcaligenes metalcaligenes Castellani and Chalmers. They are Achromobacter mucosus (von Lingelsheim 1906) Mannheim and Stenzel 1962, A. conjunctivae Mannheim and Stenzel 1962, A. haemolyticus Mannheim and Stenzel 1962, A. haemolyticus subsp. alcaligenes Mannheim and Stenzel 1962, A. metalcaligenes (Castellani and Chalmers 1919) Bergey et al. 1925, and A. citroalcaligenes Mannheim and Stenzel 1962.