Statistical Model for Electron-Positron Annihilation into Hadrons

A statistical model for the production of multibody hadronic states by e+e annihilation is discussed. We associate the secondary hadron momentum distributions for colliding-beam processes with the exponentially failling transverse-momentum distributions in hadron-hadron collisions. The consequence of this picture is that at high energies hadron multiplicity rises linearly with c.m. energy, unlike the lns behavior for the multiplicity of secondaries in hadron-hadron collisions. If the total annihilation cross section is assumed to have a power falloff sm, the n-pion cross sections follow a Poisson distribution with the most probable multiplicity nπ=s12Eπ+3m and Eπ375 MeV. An alternative statistical model based on jets is also briefly discussed. The storage rings now being constructed or envisaged should easily distinguish between the various possibilities.