Effects of pressure gradients between branches of the left coronary artery on the pressure axis intercept and the shape of steady state circumflex pressure-flow relations in dogs.

When steady state pressure-flow relations are studied in the circumflex coronary artery, pressure gradients develop between it and other branches of the left coronary artery. To assess the effects of these pressure gradients, we compared the pressure axis intercept and shape of steady state circumflex pressure-flow relations in the presence and absence of gradients after autoregulation was abolished, both in the beating heart and during long diastoles in dogs. We used peripheral coronary pressures and radionuclide-labeled microspheres to assess arterial collateral flow. In the beating heart, interarterial pressure gradients reduced the curvature at low circumflex pressures, and overestimated the mean pressure axis intercept by 7.8 mm Hg (P less than 0.05). The results were similar for the pressure-flow relations derived during long diastoles. This overestimation exaggerates the difference between the pressure axis intercept and coronary sinus pressure. The peripheral coronary pressure and microsphere results indicate that these effects are mediated largely by arterial collateral flow.