Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of theΛ0Hyperon

A measurement of the magnetic moment of the Λ0 hyperon carried out at the Brookhaven Cosmotron gives the value μΛ0=1.5±0.5 Bohr nucleon magnetons. Polarized Λ0 hyperons were produced by 1.02±0.03 BeV/c π+ mesons incident on a Be target in the reaction π++nΛ0+K+. After passing through a strong magnetic field, the Λ0 were observed to decay in a parallel plate spark chamber which was triggered by an electronic counter logic. The asymmetry of the π from the decay Λ0π+p provided the method for determining the axis of polarization. The magnetic field and flight path were such that a magnetic moment of one Bohr nucleon magneton would precess 16.5° in a plane perpendicular to the Λ0 trajectory. Measurement of the angle of rotation of the decay pattern with field on, off, and reversed gave the magnitude of the moment; the sense of rotation yielded the sign.