Convection in a rotating spherical shell has wide application for understanding the dynamics of the atmospheres and interiors of many celestial bodies. In this paper we review linear results for convection in a shell of finite depth at substantial but not asymptotically large Taylor numbers, present nonlinear multimode calculations for similar conditions, and discuss the model and results in the context of the problem of solar convection and differential rotation. Detailed nonlinear calculations are presented for Taylor number T = 105, Prandtl number P = 1, and Rayleigh number R between 1 |MX 104 and 4 |MX 104 (which is between about 4 and 16 times critical) for a shell of depth 20% of the outer radius. Sixteen longitudinal wave numbers are usually included (all even wave numbers m between 0 and 30) the amplitudes of which are computed on a staggered grid in the meridian plane. The kinetic energy spectrum shows a peak in the wave number range m = 12–18 at R = 104, which straddles the critical wave number m = 14 predicted by linear theory. These are modes which peak near the equator. The spectrum shows a second strong peak at m = 0, which represents the differential rotation driven by the peak convective modes. As R is increased, the amplitude of low wave numbers increases relative to high wave numbers as convection fills in in high and middle latitudes, and as the longitudinal scale of equatorial convection grows. By R = 3 |MX 104, m = 8 is the peak convective mode. There is a clear minimum in the total kinetic energy at middle latitudes relative to low and high, well into the nonlinear regime, representing the continued dominance of equatorial and polar modes found in the linear case. The kinetic energy spectrum for m > 0 is maintained primarily by buoyancy work in each mode, but with substantial nonlinear transfer of kinetic energy from the peak modes to both lower and higher wave numbers. For R = 1 to 2 |MX 104, the differential rotation takes the form of an equatorial acceleration, with angular velocity generally decreasing with latitude away from the equator (as on the sun) and decreasing inwards. By R = 4 |MX 104, this equatorial profile has completely reversed, with angular velocity increasing with depth and latitude. Also, a polar vortex which has positive rotation relative to the reference frame (no evidence of which has been seen on the sun) builds up as soon as polar modes become important. Meridional circulation is quite weak relative to differential rotation at R = 104, but grows relative to it as R is increased. This circulation takes the farm of a single cell of large latitudinal extent in equatorial regions, with upward flow near the equator, together with a series of narrower cells in high latitudes. It is maintained primarily by axisymmetric buoyancy forces. The differential rotation is maintained at all R primarily by Reynolds stresses, rather than meridional circulation. Angular momentum transport toward the equator for R = 1–2 |MX 104 maintains the equatorial acceleration while radially inward transport maintains the opposite profile at R = 4 |MX 104. The total heat flux out the top of the convective shell always shows two peaks for the range of R studied, one at the equator and the other near the poles (no significant variation with latitude is seen on the sun), while heat flux in at the bottom shows only a polar peak at large R. The meridional circulation and convective cells transport heat toward the equator to maintain this difference. The helicity of the convection plus the differential rotation produced by it suggest the system may be capable of driving a field reversing dynamo, but the toroidal field may migrate with lime in each cycle toward the poles and equator, rather than just toward the equator as apparently occurs on the sun. We finally outline additions to the physics of the model to make it more realistic for solar application.