Optimum Immunization of Rabbits for Streptococcus mutans Antiserum and Conjugate Production and Studies of Batch Immunoabsorption Methods

By far, the most significant rises in titers were seen with the immunization protocol used in series 6. Conjugates prepared from bleedings on the 33rd day produced exceptionally high titers for type b S mutans, and reasonably high titers for type a were obtained in a short time. A concentrated antigen with Formalin (13.4 ml) was given during a ten-day period followed by a two-week rest period, after which booster doses of either antigen with Formalin or live antigen were given (Fig 1). Based on evaluation of the immunization protocol just described, series 6 resulted in the highest titered reagents, but the data are insufficient to permit recommending that particular schedule without limitations. Our experience in the use of live antigens of S mutans for immunization is limited in that only types b, c, and e have been used in this way. The rabbits survived these injections, but the pathogenicity of other strains and other serotypes has not been determined. In addition, protocols including combined injections of killed and living organisms should be tested further for possible improvement in antibody production. In view of these considerations, our recommendations for production of high titered antiserums for S mutans in rabbits are as follows: -Take a preimmunization bleeding from each rabbit and screen by indirect FA tests with the antigens to be used. -Inject heavy concentrations (40 IU/ml) of Formalin-killed cells, intravenously. -Inject for eight to ten consecutive days, giving increasing doses of antigen ranging from 0.2 to 5.0 ml for a total of 12 to 15 ml. -Rest the rabbits for one week. If you are monitoring the progress of immunization, bleed the rabbits before giving booster injections. -Give booster injections on four consecutive days, giving 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 ml of live antigen that has been washed one time to remove traces of media and adjusted to a concentration of 40 IU/ml. If live antigen is not used, continue to give booster injections with killed antigen, injecting 2.0 ml on each of three consecutive days. -Rest the rabbits for one week and take sufficient blood to produce the trial reagents needed, or exsaguinate the rabbits. Absorption of type a conjugates resulted in the total loss of titer for type a cells. The cross-reactions with type b conjugate were easily eliminated by dilution, with the exception of the cross-reaction with S sanguis JC-43. Bratthall's absorption method eliminated all cross-reactions of the type b conjugate. Absorption of type c conjugate successfully removed the cross-reaction with type e cells; however, the loss of homologous type c titer was so great that this absorption is of limited value. High-titered conjugates for types d and e have been obtained by using batch absorption procedures.