19F Chemical Shift Tensor in Group II Difluorides

The multiple pulse nuclear magnetic resonance techniques have been used to measure the 19F chemical shift, or nuclear magnetic shielding, tensor in a series of Group II difluorides. For the cubic difluorides measured values relative to a C6F6 reference are: CaF2, −61 ppm; SrF2, −82; BaF2, −154 ppm; CdF2, +33 ppm; and HgF2, +32 ppm. For the two noncubic difluorides principal values of the chemical shift tensors relative to C6F6 are; for MgF2, +13, +28, and +43 ppm; and for ZnF2, +15, +38, and +59 ppm. The chemical shifts from the cubic difluorides were found to correlate well with electronegativities and a covalency parameter calculated from electron spin resonance superhyperfine interaction parameters. A theoretical calculation of the chemical shift tensor for MgF2 is presented and give good agreement with the experimental data, accounting for 90% of the chemical shift anisotropy.