The spectrum and level properties of Ti51 have been investigated by the reaction Ti50(d, p)Ti51 using a high-resolution magnetic analysis system. The four nuclei Ca49, Ti51, Cr53, and Fe55 have an odd neutron outside a closed f72 neutron shell. The spectrum of Ca49 as observed in a (d, p) reaction on Ca48 is single-particle-like. In the other nuclei, the neutron single-particle states are fragmented to varying degrees. An attempt has been made to study the information available for Ti51, Cr53, and Fe55 on the basis of the unified model by coupling the p32, p12, and f52 shell model states to a quadrupole vibrational core. Core states of up to three phonons have been included in the calculation. Reasonable agreement has been obtained with the excitations and transition strengths of the low-lying levels of the three nuclei as observed in (d, p) reactions on the corresponding even-even nuclei. In the case of Cr53 which is stable, additional experimental information is available, viz., the ground state magnetic moment, the static quadrupole moment and the lifetime of the 2.32-MeV level. Using the model wavefunctions obtained for Cr53, these quantities have been computed and found to be in poor agreement with the experimentally observed values.