E.P.R. of free radicals in an adamantane matrix

Benzyl radicals and the isoelectronic azabenzyl radicals were prepared in an adamantane matrix and their isotropic E.P.R. spectra observed and analysed. The proton hyperfine splittings were assigned by specific deuteration and by analogy with the benzyl radical. The spin density distribution is strongly affected by non-symmetrical nitrogen substitution, but is only weakly affected by symmetrical substitution. INDO calculations on the radicals predict only small deviations from the benzyl radical spin density distribution for all of the azabenzyl radicals. However, the trends in the experimental values can be rationalized in terms of the electronegativity difference between carbon and nitrogen and its effect on the molecular orbitals of benzyl radical. Furthermore the observed trend in the g values not only lends support to this view of the structure but also allows estimation of the approximate energy of the first nπ* excited states.