Personality characteristics and sexual anomalies in males.

Exhibitionist, exclusive homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual pedophilic, homosexual pedophilic, transsexual, incestuous, multiple deviant and control groups were compared on the MMPI [Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory] and the 16 PF [16 Personality Factor Questionnaire]. The following hypotheses were tested. Sex inversion and a preference for immature partners and/or pedophilia generally are positively related to femininity. A preference for immature partners and for genital exhibitionism are positively related to the following personality characteristics: shyness, passivity, social introversion and a lack of assertiveness. There was some support for the hypotheses except that pedophilia was not related to femininity. An examination of each group in terms of clinically significant profiles showed that exhibitionists appear to be relatively normal while contrary to some previous studies, pedophiles and multiple deviants showed considerable emotional disturbance as measured by these tests.