Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Spinal Fluid Proteins

ELECTROPHORESIS of proteins on columns of polyacrylamide gel (disc electrophoresis) has recently been introduced as a technique for analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins. Disc electrophoresis offers high resolution, requires only a small sample volume, is a relatively simple and rapid technique, and can be subjected to a quantitative evaluation. In 1964 Cunningham published a series of five examples of CSF proteins separated by this technique.3 Using a "native" or unconcentrated sample mixed with sucrose and layered over a gel column, a minimum of 22 bands were separated from the fluids examined. Monseu and Cumings, using the same technique, presented results from 56 CSF's, including 30 controls.14 These authors distinguished an average of 14 bands in control fluids. A consistent deviation from the controls was thought to be present in seven cases of polyneuritis, while nine cases of multiple sclerosis were examined and found to have no