Production ofBe7in 30-42 Mev He-Ion Bombardment of Oxygen, Aluminum, and Copper

The production of Be7 in targets of oxygen, aluminum and copper bombarded with 30- to 42-Mev He ions has been studied using radiochemical techniques. At 40-Mev He-ion bombarding energy the formation cross sections are 2.4 mb, 0.22 mb, and 0.018 mb, respectively. For aluminum and oxygen targets the Be7 fragments are emitted sharply forward, implying a direct-interaction mechanism. Estimations of the energies of the Be7 fragments, along with the observation that for Al27 target the yield of Na24 is equal to the yield of Be7, suggests that in this particular case interaction involves the pickup of a He3 fragment from the nucleus by the impinging He4 ion with the deposition of less than 7 Mev of excitation energy in the Na24 residual nucleus.