This paper concerns with the quantitative determination of ommochrome precursors in the Malpighian tubes of Drosophila melanogaster during the individual development. After separation by paper chromatography the amounts of tryptophane, kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine have been estimated by a spectrophotometer. The concentrations of these three substances obtained from wild-type Malpighian tubes have been compared with the quantities of the mutants brown (bw) and red Malpighian tubes (red). During development there are significant variabilities in contents of tryptophane, kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine in the Malpighian tubes. In the larval tubes large quantities of ommochrome precursors are accumulated. With the beginning of metamorphosis there is a distinct decrease in these substances. After hatching the amount increases steadily until reaching a constant level. In the Malpighian tubes there are also sex differences: in females the concentration of kynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine is higher than in males. The results obtained from the mutants brown and red Malpighian tubes are on principle the same as those obtained from wild-type. A strong reduction of kynurenine contents is found in the mutant red Malpighian tubes. Perhaps in this mutant the kynurenine-hydroxilase-activity is lower than in wild-type. The amounts of ommochrome precursors, accumulated in the larval Malpighian tubes, do not correspond in all cases to the contents of xanthommatine formed in the eyes of the adults.