Ac-tivation of papain may be accomplished by cysteine, glutathione, H2S, sulfite, the system succinate-dehy-drogenase and HCN, all of which can act to reduce SS to SH under the given conditions. Ultra-violet irradiation also results in activation and reduces cystine; in-crease in proteolytic enzyme activity in the skin after irradiation may thus be explained. The effect of organic arsenicals on the activity of papain and cathepsin supports the thesis of indirect action of these as chemo-therapeutic agents. In vivo activation of the same order would induce profound changes in both host and parasite ; p-aminophenylarsenoxide activates papain, while p-aminophenylarsonic and p-acetylaminophenylarsonic acids inhibit it in the absence of reduced glutathione. Cevitamic acid dose not activate papain and does not reduce dithiodilactic acid nor dithiodiglycolic anilide in acid, basic or neutral solution.