To the Editor: We would like to comment on Dr. W. Edward Chamberlain's letter, published in the January, 1956, issue of the A. M. A. Archives of Dermatology, because it deals with important matters which concern not only all dermatologists but many thousands of sufferers from common skin diseases who can safely be relieved by judicious x-ray therapy. Even more important, Dr. Chamberlain's unfortunate press interview disregards principles which vitally affect all physicians and which all will concede to be at the very basis of the practice of medicine. For what would happen if highly esteemed representatives of given specialties would begin to use the daily press and other lay media of communication to express opinions which would serve to inculcate distrust of their colleagues in other specialties, to tell patients and the public that practitioners in other specialties should not be permitted to use their own judgment in prescribing