It is pointed out that if the experimentally reported large branching ratio of η0π0+2γ decay is indeed correct, it may also suggest a large branching ratio for the K20π0+2γ decay. The closeness of the masses of the K0 meson and the η0 meson, together with this unexpectedly large coupling constant of the η0π0+2γ decay implies that the diagram K20η0π0+2γ may lead to a relatively large branching ratio of the K20π0+2γ decay, contrary to our usual expectation. Simple calculation based on the pole model with the SU(3) symmetry indicates that the frequency of this mode is at least comparable with or may even be larger than that of K202γ decay. Furthermore, since both the K202π0 and the K20π0+2γ decays are essentially 4γ processes, the decay K20π0+2γ could constitute an important background for the K202π0 experiments if its rate is comparable with that of K202π0 decay. Some kinematical features of this decay are also discussed.