Coulomb excitation measurements of reducedE2andE4transition matrix elements inDy156,158,Er162,164, andYb168

The reduced E2 and E4 transition matrix elements were measured for Dy156,158, Er162,164, and Yb168 via Coulomb excitation with α particles at energies below those where nuclear effects are expected to contribute significantly. Charge deformation parameters β2c and β4c were extracted from these matrix elements by assuming the charge distribution to have a deformed Fermi distribution form with quadrupole and hexadecapole components. Values of 0+(E2)2+ of 1.929, 2.161, 2.238, 2.341, and 2.402 eb were found for Dy156,158, Er162,164, and Yb168, respectively, with ≲1% uncertainty. The values of 0+M(E4)4+ for these same respective nuclei are 0.210.20+0.16, 0.160.15+0.10, 0.160.26+0.14, 0.120.13+0.12, and 0.190.19+0.14 eb2.