Single muscle organization of interposito-rubral projections

In unanesthetized neuraxis intact cats microstimulation of the interpositus nucleus (IN) which activated a single flexor or extensor muscle in limbs, was used to investigate changes of unitary discharges of rubrospinal (RST) cells. Recordings were made from sites the stimulation of which excited the same muscle activated by the IN (agonist cells), its antagonist (antagonist cells) or heteronymous muscles (heteronymous cells). Cats submitted to chronic cerebellar decortication, acute brachium conjunctivum (BC) section, acute prerubral hemidecerebration or chronic prerubral hemidecerebration and contralateral BC section, were used as controls. It was shown that agonist RST cells were monosynaptically fired from IN, while antagonist cells were inhibited and the heteronymous ones were not influenced. Cerebellar efferents within the BC mediate both excitatory and inhibitory effects, but cerebellar cortex and prerubral structures were not involved in their production.