Charge-Exchange Collisions Between Helium Ions and Cesium Vapor in the Energy Range 1.5-25 keV

Charge-exchange collisions have been studied when He+ ions with an energy in the range 1.5-25 keV are incident on Cs vapor. Measurements of the positive, neutral, and negative beam components after passage through the target were made as a function of the Cs target density at twelve energies. Over the entire energy range studied, the negative fraction was found to reach a maximum and then decrease with increasing target density. The maximum yield of He ions was measured to be (1.4 ± 0.1)%. The maximum occurred at a He+ energy of 6 keV and a Cs target thickness of 5 × 1014 atoms/cm2. Various cross sections relevant to the charge-exchange process were determined. At 10 keV the cross section for the production of a fast He0 atom from a He+ ion incident on Cs is (6.3 ± 0.6) × 1015 cm2, the value of the cross section for the production of a He0 atom when a He ion is incident on Cs is (1.0 ± 0.3) × 1014 cm2, and the value for the production of a He ion when a fast He0 atom in the (1s) (2s) S13 state is incident on Cs is (1.4 ± 0.4) × 1016 cm2.