A group of 10 menopausal [female][female] with advanced vaginal atrophy, as indicated by marked glyco-penia, received graduated doses of estrone by oral and parenteral adm. The effects of identical amts., given in single or equally divided doses, were detd. from daily vaginal smears stained for glycogen by the I vapor method. (Air dried smears are exposed to I vapors by laying slides, face down, over a shallow dish containing Lugol''s soln. Glycogen containing cells stain brown; non-glycogen containing cells are yellow.) Evidence is presented which indicates that oral adm. of estrone induces vaginal glycogen increases identical with those following parenteral adm. of the same amts. Maximal vaginal effects were obtained more promptly after oral than after parenteral adm. More prolonged effects were obtained from divided daily doses than from single large amts. when given by mouth. Lack of assimilation through excretory loss from the gastrointestinal tract is offered as an explanation of the lack of greater effectiveness of large oral doses. Parenterally administered estrone in single doses exerted a less prompt, though more prolonged effect. When equal amts. were given in divided doses the sustained action by both routes was more nearly equal. Variations of individual susceptibility and the influence of concomitant disease appear to influence the intensity of the vaginal glycogen response. No toxic effects (nausea, vomiting) were noted in any patient after oral adm.