Cytoadherence by Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes is correlated with the expression of a family of variable proteins on infected erythrocytes.

Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (IRBSs) adhere specifically to venular endothelium and thereby evade spleen-dependent immune mechanisms. We have investigated the molecular basis of cytoadherence. We report here that the capacity for cytoadherence of IRBCs is correlated with the expression of a family of variable proteins on the surface of IRBCs. Essential to these studies was the use of in vitro techniques for modulating the cytoadherence phenotype of cloned parasites. In initial studies, we found culture-adapted parasites to be poorly cytoadherent or non-cytoadherent. To select for cytoadherent parasites, we incubated knobbed IRBCs with C32 melanoma cells and cultured the adherent cells. Repeated rounds of selection produced parasites with increased cytoadherence. To select for noncytoadherent parasites, we cultured the cells that did not adhere to C32 melanoma cells. Cytoadherent IRBCs from two different cloned isolates had large (Mr > 2.4 .times. 105) radioiodinatable proteins that differed in size between the isolates but had in common the biochemical properties of trypsin sensitivity and insolubility with Triton X-100. The proteins were not detected with uninfected erythrocytes, indicating that they were parasite determined, nor were they detected with IRBCs containing parasites cultured for many months without selection. With continued selection for the cytoadherent phenotype, additional IRBC surface proteins with larger molecular sizes (Mr 2.9 .times. 105 and 3.2 .times. 105) appeared. A sequence of reversible changes in the cytoadherence phenotype of cloned parasites was accompanied by variation in the molecular size of the IRBC surface protein. Increased cytoadherence was correlated with expression of larger proteins and decreased cytoadherence was correlated with expression of smaller proteins; there was not change in the molecular size of two other parasite proteins associated with the IRBC membrane. The results indicate that the expression of this family of proteins is closely linked to the cytoadherence phenotype of the parasites, suggesting that the members of the protein family have a role in mediating cytoadherence between IRBCs and endothelial cells.