Reactivation of Overneutralized Mixtures of Influenza Virus and Antibody

Introduction. The detection of influenza carriers may be missed because the virus in nose and throat washings is overneutralized by antibody in the mucous as the virus is liberated from the parasitized cells. The purpose of this study was to determine if overneutralized influenza virus could be reactivated. Numerous investigators have used diverse methods for the purpose of reactivating neutral mixtures of toxins, phages, viruses and bacteria and their specific antibodies. Apparently-neutral mixtures of toxin and antitoxin have been made toxic by simple dilution (1–4). This same “dilution phenomenon” has been observed where apparently-neutral phage-antiphage (5, 6), viral-antiviral (7–19) and bacterial-antibacterial (20) mixtures were employed. Separation of the virus from its antibody by cataphoresis (11, 21) and centrifugation (20, 22–24) has been reported. Adsorption of viruses on Chamberland L2 filter powder, blood clot, euglobulin precipitate, and kaolin, as well as papaindigestion of antibody also have been used to accomplish the same end (9, 10, 12, 16, 25).