Total body studies in normal British women using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry

We report dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) studies of total body bone mineral and body composition performed in 111 normal caucasian women (aged 42-61). Conventional DXA scans of the lumbar spine and femoral neck were also obtained and each woman completed a detailed questionnaire. Significant correlations were found between total body BMD and BMD in the lumbar spine (r = 0.76) and femoral neck (r = 0.72). We present reference range data for BMD in the total body and in seven subregions of the skeleton. Multiple linear regressions of total body BMD and BMC on weight, height and age showed that the inclusion of height compared with weight and age alone was not statistically significant. The dependence of total body BMD on weight and age was: total body BMD (g cm-2) = 1.043 + 0.0042 x weight (kg) - 0.0039 x age (years) (R = 0.46, SEE = 0.074 g cm2). Body mass derived from DXA scans correlated well with weight measured on scales (r = 0.996, SEE = 0.77 kg). Body composition measurements agreed closely with % body fat estimated from skinfold measurements (r = 0.93), body fat mass estimated from a predictive equation based on weight, height and age (r = 0.91) and % body fat estimated from a predictive equation based on body mass index (r = 0.76). Study precision gave coefficients of variation of 0.6% for total body BMD and 0.7% for % body fat.