Evaluation of soil extractants to estimate available micronutrients under wheat‐field conditions

Three extracting reagents were evaluated by correlation analyses to provide the best index of Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe availability to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants growing under open field conditions. Twenty one soils were selected to obtain the widest range in properties of soils of the land wheat cultivated. The magnitude of the extractive power varied in the following order: 6NHCl ≫ EDTA + NH4OAC, pH4.65 > DTPA‐TEA, pH 7.3. The mild extractants, EDTA and DTPA, gave the same order of removal of micronutrients being Zn < Cu < Fe < Mn. The acid extractant was on the contrast more effective on Cu and Fe with respect to Zn and Mn, respectively. Wheat concentrations of Zn, Mn and Fe were significantly correlated to soil micronutrients. Highly significant relationships were found for Zn extracted by DTPA solution (r = 0.737***) and for Mn and Fe extracted by EDTA solution (r = 0.710*** and r = 0.564**). Plant Zn and Mn were also well predicted by the acid extraction. The absence of correlation for plant Cu vs. soil Cu occurred probably because of wheat concentrations almost constant, ranging from 5.0 to 8.0 mg/kg.