Evaluation of a Point-of-Care System for Quantitative Determination of Troponin T and Myoglobin

We present the results of a multicenter evaluation of a new point-of-care system (Cardiac Reader) for the quantitative determination of cardiac troponin T (CARDIAC T Quantitative test) and myoglobin (CARDIAC M test) in whole blood samples. The Cardiac Reader is a CCD camera that optically reads the immunochemical test strips. The measuring range is 0.1 to 3 μg/l for CARDIAC T Quantitative and 30 to 700 μg/l for CARDIAC M. Both tests are calibrated by the manufacturer. The reaction times of the tests are 12 or 8 minutes, respectively. Method comparisons were performed with 281 heparinized blood samples from patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes. The results obtained with CARDIAC T Quantitative showed a good agreement compared with cardiac troponin T ELISA (r = 0.89; y = 0.93x + 0.02). The method comparison between CARDIAC M and Tina-quant Myoglobin also showed a good agreement between both assays (r = 0.98; y = 0.92x + 1.6). Test lot-to-lot comparisons yielded differences of 2% and 6% for CARDIACT Quantitative and of 0 to 11% for CARDIACM. The within-run imprecision with blood samples and control materials was acceptable for CARDIAC T Quantitative (CV 10 to 15%) and good for CARDIAC M (CV 5 to 10%). The between-instrument CV was below 7% for CARDIACT Quantitative and below 5% for CARDIACM. The cross-reactivity of CARDIAC T Quantitative with skeletal troponin T was approximately 0.003%. No significant analytical interference was detected for any of the assays in investigations with biotin (up to 100 μg/l), hemoglobin (up to 0.125 mmol/l), hematocrit (26 to 52%), bilirubin (up to 340 μmol/l), triglycerides (up to 5.0 mmol/l), and 18 standard drugs. With the Cardiac Reader reliable quantitative results can be easily obtained for both cardiac markers. The system is, therefore, particularly suitable for use in emergency rooms, coronary care units and small hospitals.

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