Hyperfine Structure of the3P2and4P2States of Lithium and Lifetime of the3P2State

The technique of level crossing spectroscopy has been used to study the hyperfine structure of the 3P2 and 4P2 states of Li7 and the 3P2 state of Li6. Both low-field (<2 G) and high-field (≈915 G) level crossings were observed for the 3P2 state of Li7. With the assumption that the ordinary magnetic-dipole coupling constants are related by ad12=5ad32, values have been obtained for ad32 and the core-polarization constant ac. In the 4P2 state of Li7 and the 3P2 state of Li6 we have inferred from our measurements individual values for ad32 and ac which are consistent with the assumptions that both constants scale as the ratio of nuclear g factors among different isotopes and that they scale as 1n3 among all the nP2 states. The lifetime of the 3P2 state has also been obtained from the high-field level crossing data. The results for the hyperfine constants in MHz are the following: 3P2 Li7: ad32=2.11(3), ac=3.08(3),