Granule cells of the dentate gyrus in the hippocampi of anaesthetized rats were excited by stimulation of the contralateral hippocampus (the commissural input) and the ipsilateral entorhinal cortex (the perforant path). The cells were also activated by the electrophoretic administration of various amino acids. A selective antagonism of glutamate and perforant path excitations was obtained with glutamic acid diethylester, and of aspartate and other amino acid induced and commissural excitations with D- or DL-α-aminoadipate. An excitatory effect of α-aminoadipate which was sometimes observed was prevented by the γ-aminobutyric acid antagonist bicuculline, and may be a disinhibitory phenomenon. The results lend support to the proposition that the transmitter of the perforant path is glutamate while that of the commissural fibres is aspartate.