Formation and movement of myosin-containing structures in living fibroblasts.

Gizzard myosin, fluorescently labeled with tetramethylrhodamine iodoacetamide, was microinjected into living 3T3 fibroblasts to label myosin-containing structures. The fluorophore was located predominantly on the heavy chain near the COOH terminus of the S1 head and on the 17-kD light chain. After microinjection of a tracer amount into living 3T3 cells, the fluorescent myosin showed a distribution identical to that revealed by immunofluorescence with antimyosin antibodies. Injected myosin became localized in small beads, which were found along large stress fibers, along fine fibers, and in a poorly organized form near the lamellipodia. De novo assembly of beads was observed continuously within or near the lamellipodia, suggesting that myosin molecules may undergo a constant cycling between polymerized and unpolymerized states. The nascent structures then moved away from lamellipodia and became organized into linear arrays. Similar movement was also observed for beads already associated with linear structures, and may represent a continuous flux of myosin structures. The dynamic reorganization of myosin may play an important role in cell movement and polarity.