In the common garden varieties of Swiss Giant pancy, Viola Wittrockiana Gams, the flower colors ranging from red to blue are caused by at least six anthocyanins. They were separated from each other by mass paper chromatography in comparatively pure state. Their component sugar, organic acid, etc. were studied chromatographically after complete as well as partial hydrolysis, and also after saponification with alkali. The results show that the major pigment is keracyanin in reddisch varieties, whereas the pigment in bluish varieties is not violanin (delphinidin-3-p-coumarylglucorhamnoside) but a new anthocyanin, probably having a constitution of delphinidin-3: 5-p-coumarylglucorhamnoside. Among four kinds of minor constituent, two are shown to be tulipanin and cyanidin-3:5-glucoglucorhamnoside, and the remaining two are deriva tives of cyanidin and delphinidin.