Hemophilus Influenzae Meningitis in an Adult

Meningitis resulting from infection by Hemophilus influenzae is primarily a disease of children, whereas in adults such an infection is a rarity. Pike1 reviewed the literature in 1955 and added one case, bringing the number of reported cases to 29. Cameron Howe2 added two cases in 1957, and Selman and Seides 3 contributed another case in 1958. Domz and Dickson,4 Wechsler and Wolf,5 and Sanford et al.6 each added a case of Hemophilus influenzae meningitis in adults with agammaglobulinemia. A review of the cases at Hartford Hospital from 1938 to 1958 yielded only one other case. This was a postoperative neurosurgical patient who underwent craniotomy. The following case is believed to be the 36th reported in the literature. Report of Case A 63-year-old white Polish-born woman was admitted to the Medical Service of the Hartford Hospital on March 28, 1958, at 11:30 p.m. in a semicomatose condition. Past medical history