Calculation of dipolar nuclear magnetic relaxation times in molecules with multiple internal rotations

A general method is described for calculating angular autocorrelation functions and thence longitudinal and transverse dipolar nuclear magnetic relaxation times (T 1 and T 2) for nuclei in a methylene group of a hydrocarbon chain attached to a spherical molecule. The method is applicable for any value of the rotational diffusion coefficient of the molecule (D 0), and for any length of chain. Numerical results for autocorrelation functions and for 13C, 1H and 19F dipolar relaxation times are presented. These show that for atoms more than four carbon-carbon bonds removed from the isotropically tumbling molecule the autocorrelation function is a single exponential and the relaxation times are independent of the motion of the molecule, provided that Di > D 0 (where Di is the diffusion coefficient for rotation about the ith carbon-carbon bond). For the first few methylene groups in the chain, the auto-correlation function is not a single exponential, and the relaxation times show more complex behaviour. In particular, under the condition. where ω is the relevant Larmor frequency for the dipolar interaction under consideration, the following phenomena are predicted for nuclei on the first three or four methylene groups: (i) As the rate of internal motion increases, the spin-lattice relaxation time first decreases, then passes through a minimum and increases to a value determined by the rotational diffusion of the molecule as a whole. This behaviour has been indicated previously by Doddrell et al. [11] for the particular case of a single internal motion. (ii) Even if the spin-lattice relaxation time, T 1, increases with increasing temperature, indicating that ω2τapp 2 < 1 (where τapp is the apparent correlation time calculated from the T 1 value) T 1 will be longer than T 2. (iii) Even if, again ω2τapp < 1 under some circumstances increasing motion can lead to a decrease in T 1. Thus the proton T 1 of the first methylene may be longer than that of the second methylene group in the chain. Finally, methods for calculating the diffusion coefficients, Di , from measured relaxation times, and extensions of the theory to fluorescence polarization and E.S.R. spin-label experiments are briefly discussed.