Raman Scattering and Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering inKCl1xBrx

The Raman spectra of the mixed halide KCl1xBrx were studied as a function of concentration. First-order Raman-active phonons of A1g symmetry were observed at approximately 120 and 145 cm1 at x<0.3. Above this concentration, the 120-cm1 mode disappeared, leaving the higher-frequency band only in the first-order spectrum. This band was found to shift linearly with concentration and the extrapolation of the straight-line fit intersects the pure-crystal axes at values close to that of the pure-crystal TO(X) phonon. At the KBr end of the concentration range, the first-order spectrum resembles the pure-crystal density of states. The first-order spectra of the T2g symmetry were also studied. These reflect the pure-crystal density of states at both ends of the concentration range. The crystals were also investigated by small-angle x-ray scattering for evidence of clustering. No clusters smaller than (30)3 unit cells were found. Because of the comparable intensities of the first- and second-order spectra, it was not possible to arrive at perfectly conclusive results.