Consideration of the density of rays emanating from an infinite, corrugated Gaussian surface with fractal slope reveals a hitherto unexplored shortwave scattering regime that is uncomplicated by the presence of caustics in the scattered wave field. The statistical and coherence properties of the ray-density fluctuations in this regime are calculated as a function of fractal dimension D, and it is shown that in the Brownian case (D = 1.5) the problem can be solved exactly. The properties of the intensity pattern in a coherent scattering configuration are also investigated. The contrast of the pattern is computed as a function of propagation distance, and the asymptotic behavior in the strong scattering limit is again found to be exactly solvable when D = 1.5. It is shown that the intensity fluctuations are K distributed in this case. The effects of a finite outer-scale size are evaluated and discussed.