In a field experiment on fertilizers applied at 0, 100 and 200 units/acre to the seedbed only nitrogen fertilizer caused a reduction in seedling emergence, though nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers did cause delays in crop emergence (calabrese, carrot, onion and red beet). In a pot experiment investigating the effects of the equivalent of 0, 125, 250, 375 and 500 kg/ha of nitrogen incorporated to a depth of 100 nm in soil, high fertilizer levels and low soil moisture resulted in reduced seedling emergence. Carrot was most sensitive and calabrese least sensitive to moisture stress. The rate of seedling emergence in carrot and onion was linearly related to water potential. Where absolute levels of seedling establishment and uniformity of crop establishment are considered to be important in vegetable growing it is recommended that inorganic nitrogen fertilizer be omitted from broadcast seedbed fertilizer dressings.