PRIMARY nodular amyloid deposits in the laryngeal mucosa is an infrequently reported lesion. A perusal of theQuarterly Cumulative Index Medicusof the past twenty-five years reveals only 15 reports of this lesion, and, of these, only 4 cases are in the English literature. Beavis1in 1934 reported on 5 cases, the largest series in the English language. This author stated the opinion that local amyloid deposits in the upper respiratory passages are rare, since there were no more than 50 cases in the entire literature. It was considered that the disease would be more readily recognized in the future; however, the number of recorded cases since that time has remained small. In a review of fundamental disorders of the larynx, Kernan2did not mention amyloid deposits. Standard textbooks of pathology give scant, if any, mention of this condition. Because of this paucity of reports, we wish to