The Use of Boric Acid in

The last decade has seen the development of a large number of therapeutic agents for use in skin diseases. Some are highly potent and specific and when applied for a particular bacterial infection are more effective than any other agent. The nonspecificity of the vast majority of dermatidides, their nature being influenced perhaps more by the host reaction than by the nature of the insulting agent, has, however, prevented truly great strides in the development of highly specific skin therapeutic measures. Most dermatologists still find wet dressings, soaks, heat and cold, and protection extremely important components of their armamentarium. Among the oldest and most widely used chemical agents in the administration of these therapeutic procedures are boric acid and aluminum acetate (Burow's solution). As far back as 1702, Homberg prepared boric acid and called it ``sal sedativum.'' Since the compound has no internal sedative effect, it