Influence of renal failure on the hepatic clearance of bufuralol in man

The beta-blocking agent bufuralol is subject to first-pass metabolism and is eliminated from the body almost entirely by biotransformation. Its major metabolite in plasma (1′-hydroxy-bufuralol) is biologically active and may contribute to the pharmacological effect of the drug. The effect of renal failure on the behavior of the parent compound and three of its metabolites was studied by comparing their kinetics in normal volunteers and in patients with severe renal insufficiency. Bufuralol was given orally to all subjects (20 mg); some of the healthy volunteers also received the drug intravenously (5 mg). Renal failure was found to be associated with a marked increase of the areas under the plasma concentration-time curves of the parent compound, whereas its halflife of elimination was not markedly influenced. The behavior of 1′-hydroxy-bufuralol was consistent with a decreased renal clearance. The behavior of bufuralol in patients with renal failure was analyzed using the clearance approach. From this analysis it appears that the presystemic biotransformation of bufuralol is decreased in renal failure and that changes in systemic clearance are compensated in our patients by modifications of the volume of distribution, resulting in little net change in the halflife of elimination.