Staining Paraffin Sections with Protargol: 1. Experiments with Bodian's Method. 2. Use of Jvpropyl andN-Butyl Alcohol in Hofker's Fixative:

Paraffin sections of nervous tissue, which had been fixed in Hofker's fluid, stained readily with protargol solution without the addition of metallic copper or other activator. Amidolsulfite mixtures reduced the protargol more rapidly and completely than hydroquinone-sulfite. Intensification of the stain could be secured by reducing with 0.5% amidol (or pyrogallol) solution after gold toning. The completeness of staining of unmyelinated fibers of the dorsal roots of cat spinal nerves was checked by estimating the number of fibers in a root and the cells of its associated ganglion. A fiber cell ratio of 1:1 was found hi 4 specimens, indicating within limits of error that all fibers were stained. An improvement of die original Hofker's mixture as a fixative was obtained by using a mixture of formic acid, 5 cc.; trichloracetic acid, 10 g.; n-propyl alcohol, 20 cc.; and n-butyl alcohol, 60 cc. (instead of the acetic, trichloracetic, ethyl alcohol mixture used hi the original formula). The following arbitrary method is suggested. Fix 12 to 24 hours, pass to water thru graded ethyl alcohol, wash several hours, dehydrate and embed in paraffin. Cut, mount, and remove the paraffin, pass to water and impregnate 2 or 3 days at 27 to 30$$C. in a 0.5% aqueous solution of protargol (Winthrop Chemical Co.). Rinse 2 or 3 seconds and reduce with 0.5% amidol (Agfa brand used) in 5% sodium sulfite solution. Wash, tone with 0.1% gold chloride, wash and reduce with 0.5% amidol (no sulfite), wash, dehydrate and cover. The method works well on spinal nerve roots, cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord, and moderately well on nerve trunks including sympathetic nerves. Tissues from cat and guinea pig were used.