The Prevalence of Thyroid-Stimulating Antibodies in Goitrous Disease Assessed by Cytochemical Section Bioassay*

Thyroid-stimulating antibodies (TSAb) were detectableusing a highly sensitive cytochemical section bioassayin plasma from all 56 hyperthyroid patients studied, includingthose who had either diffuse hyperplasia or nodular goiters. Themaximum dilution at which TSAb was detectable ranged from10−2–10−6. Six of these patients had scintigraphic evidence ofsingle functioning nodules, and, surprisingly, TSAb was presentin all. Of 27 patients who had nontoxic goiter, 14 (52%) hadpositive titers for TSAb ranging from 10−2–10−4. The mean serum T3 value in nontoxic goitrous patients who had TSAb wassignificantly higher than that in subjects in whom TSAb wasabsent; in contrast, mean serum T4 values were not significantlydifferent in those two groups. It is concluded that idiopathicnontoxic goiter, toxic nodular goiter with functioning nodules(Plummer’s disease), and toxic diffuse goiter (Graves’ disease)share, in part, a common pathogenesis.