Studies on end-stage kidneys. V. Unusual epithelial activity or remarkable endothelial metaplasia

Tubule-like cells were found lining an artery and several arterioles and within the capillaries of infarcted glomeruli in one block of kidney from one of 54 cases of end-stage/dialysis kidneys. Three other blocks showed tubule-like structures within infarcted glomeruli and adjacent arterioles. Squamous metaplasia of remaining tubule epithelium was found in sections from 4 blocks of the same kidney. In 2 of these blocks, infarcted glomeruli had capillaries which were occupied by squamous cells. These findings are discussed as examples of metaplasia of the endothelium or alternatively as epithelial growth and invasion. The use of special stains and multiple blocks for this study seem to have been justified. These changes offer further evidence that the end-stage kidney after dialysis has unique alterations.