Cytogenetic Diagnosis of Cancer: Abnormalities of Chromosomes and Polyploid Levels in the Bone Marrow of Patients With Small Cell Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Lung2

The chromosomes of metastatic cells and polyploid levels in the bone marrow of 26 patients with small cell anaplastic carcinoma were studied by direct bone marrow preparation and trypsin-Glemsa banding. Eighteen of these patients had received no tumor therapy and 8 had had chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy; 18 patients, including 5 who had received therapy, had karyotypic abnormalities with or without elevation of the polyploid level. Modal numbers and chromosome abnormalities were highly variable in treated and untreated patients. Modes ranged from hypodiploid to polyploid, but polyploid modes were the most frequently observed abnormal modes. Polyploid modes were not seen, however, in post-therapy patients with the exception of one who had received radiation therapy to the mediastinum for only 4 days prior to withdrawal of the specimen for chromosome analysis. Ten patients had elevated polyploid levels that ranged from 4.24 to 44.8% and always occurred in conjunction with karyotypic abnormalities. Both aneusomy (abnormal number) of normal chromosomes and structural aberrations (markers) occurred frequently. Some markers were consistent within an individual, but other variable aberrations were also typically present. Very few markers were common to 2 or more patients. The #1 chromosome participated in marker formation in 14 of the 18 patients with karyotypic abnormalities. Of the 26 patients, 5 were negative for metastasis to the marrow by pathologic examination but positive by cytogenetic diagnosis, whereas none were positive by pathologic examination and negative by cytogenetic diagnosis; this demonstrated that cytogenetics may be used as a rapid adjunct diagnostic procedure for the detection of metastasis in the marrow.