Direct analysis of plasma fibrinogen‐derived fibrinopeptides by high‐performance liquid chromatography: investigation of nine congenital fibrinogen abnormalities

Summary. A simple method has been developed for the rapid analysis of fibrinopeptides contained on fibrinogen in small anticoagulated plasma samples. Following incubation with thrombin the plasma is diluted, boiled and then studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The three forms of FPA (AP, A, AY) and two forms of FPB (B, des Arg B) can be identified and quantified in samples of less than 200 μl. Additionally, the FPB peak height can be used to measure the plasma fibrinogen level. This method has been used to screen plasma samples with abnormal clotting times for possible congenital fibrinogen abnormalities. Results of the study of nine unrelated cases are presented. Four cases of congenital dysfibrinogenaemia were diagnosed directly from HPLC analysis alone. Fibrinogen Sheffield and Paris VI were identified as AαArgl6→His substitutions and fibrinogens London VI and Madrid II were found to be heterozygous for an unknown substitution preventing thrombin cleavage at AαArg16. A case of dysfibrinogenaemia (fibrinogen Ashford) with a normal fibrinopeptide release stoichiometry was confirmed to have a primary polymerization abnormality using purified fibrin monomers. Similarly, a case of hypodysfibrinogenaemia (fibrinogen London V) had normal fibrinopeptides and a fibrin polymerization abnormality. In one case of hypofibrinogenaemia and two cases of afibrinogenaemia, no fibrinopeptide or functional abnormalities could be definitely established. This rapid and simple method of fibrinopeptide analysis is recommended for screening of plasma samples taken from patients suspected of having abnormalities of fibrinogen synthesis.