Tumor-Associated Transplantation Antigen Distinct From H-2k-like Antigens on a BALB/c (H-2d) Fibrosarcoma2

To ascertain whether the foreign H-2.1, H-2.5, H-2.11, H-2.23, and H-2.25 antigens on a 3-methylcholanthrene-induced BALB/cLacDp (C) (H-2d) fibrosarcoma C-1 may represent the fibrosarcoma's Individual tumor-associated transplantation antigen (TATA), in vivo Immunogenicity tests were performed in C mice (H-2d); In (BALB/cLacDp × C3Hf/HeDp)F1 (CC3F1), (BALB/cLacDp × AKR/RdDp)F1 (CAKF1), and (BALB/cLacDp × B10.BR/SgSn)F1 (CBRF1) mice (all H-2d × H-2k); In (BALB/cLacDp ×A/HeN)F1 (CAF1) mice (H-2d × H-2Q); In (BALB/cLacDp ×DBA/2ChR)F1 (CD2F1) mice (H-2d ×H-2d); in (BALB/cLacDp × C57BL/6JDp)F1 (CB6F1) mice (H-2d ×H-2"); and In (BALB/cLacDp × N:NIH/Dp)F1 (CNIHF1) mice (H-2d × H-2q). The C-1 tumor lost its Immunogenlclty only In CC3F1 mice and partially in CAF1 mice. Multiple immunizations with C-1 cells in C and hybrid mice showed that C mice developed both In vivo resistance to tumor challenges of 105 C-1 cells (anti-TATA immunity) and production of antibodies to H-2k antigens as revealed by a complement-dependent cytotoxicity assay on normal C3Hf/HeDp (C3) lymphocytes. No effector lymphocytes to H-2k antigens were, however, found In the mice that had detectable levels of anti-H-2k antibodies. CC3F1 animals were unable to mount both antl-TATA and antl-H-2k Immune responses, whereas CAKF1, CBRF1 and, to a lesser extent, CAF1 mice displayed antlTATA Immunity In the absence of anti-H-2k antibody production. CD2F1 mice behaved like C mice, whereas CB6F1 and CNIHF1 crosses were resistant to tumor challenge but had lower titers of anti-H-2k antibodies than did C mice. A time-course study of ant-H-2k antibody production in C mice revealed a peak In the production of antibody after the sixth Immunization, with a very low or undetectable level of such antibodies being evident after one or two immunizations, when a clear antitumor Immunity was present. In the last experiment, immunization of C mice with irradiated C-1 cells “coated” with C anti-C3 sera or C anti-C-1 sera inhibited antl-H-2k antibody production without affecting the anti-TATA Immunity. We conclude that H-2k antigens and TATA are probably independent antigenic entities on C-1 cells or at least that the largest part of TATA cannot be formed by H-2 allen determlnants.