The fine-structure spectrum of trivalent gadolinium occurring as a cation substitution in thorium oxide has been reinvestigated to determine whether this crystal-ion system exhibits fine-structure splittings which are dependent upon isotopic species. Such a dependence has been observed; however, the magnitude of the effect is found to be just within the limits of detectability. For this crystal-ion system, three spin-Hamiltonian parameters are found to be sufficient to characterize the fine-structure spectrum, an isotopic g value, and two crystal-field-splitting energy parameters, b4 and b6. At 77°K the relative shift in b4 between Gd155 and Gd157 is δb4b4=4.2×105, the value of b4 associated with the heavier isotope being greater in magnitude. No shifts in the g value or in b6 could be detected. When differences in the fine-structure parameter b4 are measured using the average spectral component positions due to the I=0 isotopes as references, shifts for Gd155 and Gd157 are obtained which follow a simple mass-difference-ratio relationship.