Circadian-Phase-Dependency in [3H]-Dihydroalprenolol Binding to Rat Heart Ventricular Membranes

Binding studies with the beta-adrenoceptor antagonist ligand [3H]-dihydroalprenolol ([3H]-DHA, spec. act, 90-102 Ci/mmol) were performed with ventricular membranes L-D-synchronized (L:0.7-19 hr, D:-07 hr) male rats, sacrificed either at 08 hr or at 20 hr. Saturation experiments with crude or washed and preincubated membranes revealed two affinity states of specific [3H]-DHA binding which were abolished after addition of the guanine nucleotide Gpp(NH)p. In crude membranes the apparent Bmax-value at 20 hr was about 40% higher than at 08 hr, in washed and preincubated membranes the nocturnal increase in the apparent Bmax-value was not observed. Pretreatment of rats with isoprenaline (50 mg/kg, i.p.) decreased and catecholamine depletion (reserpine plus inhibition of tyrosine-hydroxylase) increased Bmax-values in crude membranes. The circadian-stage-dependent and the drug-induced effects on the apparent number of beta-adrenoceptors are assumed to be due to circadian or drug-induced variations in the turnover of cardiac noradrenaline.

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